1. thanks.I wish you would have audio as well but still it is wonderful.This excellent application, one can easily improve his recitation and please Allah Subhan wa Tahallah.Bookmark not work accurately, e.g. bookmark created for page 15 will take you to page 14Why this app misbehave after every 2,3 months, where as updating regularly!It's awesome,easy to use and most prominent app.Surah index and juz index not work correctly.One of best from many I tried, Hamdulillah.
2. And also its notification about to resume.Can I download old version? That is good I have no problem in that version this new version have some problem I feel when I finish page and start a new pageThere is one option in the book mark (delete All) if possible Add (delete) one by one also.
3. The app is really good but I'm giving four because I found some sort of difficulty in options .
4. The options used to pop up whick is not smooth to use .
5. It feel like reading of mushaf.