1. Япон соёлын томоохон хэсэг гэхэд буруудахгүй. Тэгвэл та анимэ үздэг, үзэх дуртай ч тухайн анимэныхаа тухай бүрэн мэдээллийг хайж олж чадахгүй л байна уу? Эсвэл төрөлх хэлээрээ биш болохоор дутуу ойлгож байгаан биш биз? Тэгвэл танд "Анимакс" аппликэйшнг танилцуулж байна. Монголын хамгийн том мэдээллийн аппликэйшн. 2. 3. 5. Анимэн бүрэн мэдээлэл гэх мэтчилэн олон төрлийн мэдээлэл. Цаашлаад Монголд ямар ранктай яваа. Хүмүүсийн хамгийн хүлээлттэй байгаа гэх мэтчилэн мэдээллийг багтааж байгаа юм.
1. After focus your salavery.Worst app trash can't even log in wats the use not even worth 1 starThis app would've been a great app but the language was in Mongolian(which I don't understand)so I couldn't understand a thing and uninstalled it as soon as possible.Believe me if u don't know Mongolian language this is just a waste of time I looked through the review and there were pretty good reviews so I thought it would be a great app but what I didn't see was that all the reviews were from people who understands Mongolian language so DON'T USE IT IF YOU DON'T KNOW MONGOLIAN LANGUAGE!It's overall fine but everytime i try to watch something the screen just stubbornly shifts down making it impossible to see the subtitles.
2. But i hope that the team will add english later if we support them well.Really bad app , it doesn't have a option to change language, as it is in Russian, it is a waste of time also as it asks to sign in with phone number and i don't have any Russia number , i don't know if they r gonna fix this problem as this has happened before with me and noone fixes it .Great app for watching anime.
3. Some anime takes a long time without subtitles and consumes a lot of dataPretty good but if u understand mongolian language.
4. Can somebody tell me how to fix it ? I'm really struggling .This is for the people who are complaining about the language, this app is for Mongoliansand Mongolian app so its why it has only one language and doesn't have english.
5. The bad part is you have to pay to watch anime.Its very good app but it has few bugs.This app is like a Dogshit.
6. Everytime reload in watching anime.
7. And if loading isnt finish before you leave this screen.
8. Maybe this app is the best anime app in our country.
9. And why consuming money for this app.......... First pls fix your bugs.
10. Somethimes this app won't open or such things happen.
11. After your load finished and sound will start.
i want to delete this account. because my personal information was fucked up.