1. Hisn Al-Muslim is not a Dhikr-based application only, but it goes beyond to provide full explanation for such Dhikrs, along with audio service, making it easy for you to read, listen and understand all in one. • Explanation: the applications offers explanation for each Dhikr, including wording, vocabularies and lessons derived from the hadith, and attributes every hadith to its original source. • Audio Invocations: You can listen to Dhikrs by Hamad Ibn Muhammad A-Durayhim’s performance. • Electronic Rosary: Count number of Tasbih and Istighfar you perform. • Share: Share Dhikrs with your friends through social media and SMS. • Search: Search in chapters and texts of hadiths. • Electronic Counter: Allows you to be informed with the number of Dhikr repetitions. • Languages: The application is available in 20 languages. • Alerts: Smart alerts for Morning, Evening, sleep and other Dhikrs. • View settings: Customize view settings through changing font color, size and type, and display Dhikrs with or without diacritics. • My Dhikrs: You are enabled to record your own personal Dhikrs in the application. • Favorites: Collect your favorite Dhikrs in one place to reach them easily. • Night Mode: Activate night mode for better experience in dark and low-light environments. ١- كتاب حصن المسلم: لمؤلفه الشيخ د. ٢- شرح حصن المسلم من كتاب اتحاف المسلم لشرح حصن المسلم لمؤلفه الشيخ د. ٣. وجميع ما ذكر مأخوذ من الموقع الرسمي والمعتمد «للشيخ سعيد بن علي القحطاني –رحمه الله-». شرحٌ لكل الأذكار يتضمن: لفظ الحديث ومفرداته وما يستفاد منه، وتخريجه. استمع للأذكار بصوت المذيع «حمد بن محمد الدريهم». تعرف على عدد مرات التسبيح والاستغفار. مشاركة الأذكار عبر وسائل التواصل. ترجمة نصوص حصن المسلم وواجهاته لأكثر من 20 لغة عالمية. تنبيهات ذكية بأذكار الصباح والمساء وأذكار النوم، وغيرها. تحكم في إعدادات العرض بتغيير لون الخط وحجمه ونوعه، واستعرض الأذكار بالتشكيل أو بدونه. أضف أذكارك الخاصة في مكان واحد. أضف أذكارك المفضلة في مكان واحد لسهولة الوصول إليها. فَعَّل نمط القراءة الليلية ليسهل عليك قراءة الأذكار في الأماكن المظلمة.
1. Is it possible to add favourite dhikir and record how many time we've repeat the dhikir.Asalamu alaikom, I recommended this app for everyone, it contains almost all famous languages, keep Satan confused with this app with remembrances.مع غير اللغة العربية ينبغي أيضًا وضع نصوص الأذكار باللغة العربية، وأما الترجمة والنطق فتكون باختيارها لمن يريد With other languages, not Arabic, the Arabic text of thikr should be shown.
2. It has variety of options to choose from to customize the interface and the loook of the text.It seems didn't give all dzikr in the original book.
3. For now it only take 1 from each zikr as favorite.Great app, attractive and simple design, well organized and easy to use with no adds.
4. The best azkar app ever .I love it! The design is simple and alegent.
5. Almost include everything, and gather all what is needed to make zikr part from the running fast daily life.Hopefully there will be new update.
6. Translation and Transliteration should be added as options.UI is awesome but i am not able to use because of Arabic.
7. Maybe you need to update this App to exactly represent what is in the original book.
8. Just need some more improvement.Love this app.
9. Would be even better if i can put some Azkar sets like morning one's complete in my favorites.
10. It is a light application that does not consume resources.
11. In short, I love it.Very precious app.