1. The App collects location data to automatically record trips in the background, even when the app is closed or not in use. ✔ fully automatic departure and arrival detection (you don't must push a button - just drive) - The app needs access to the location in the background in order for automatic recording. ✔ You can leave the smartphone in your pocket and in the background, all starts are u. stops incl. ✔ Automatic determination of: starting point and destination, start and end times, mileage. ✔ You can easily record an entire year - always know when you were where.
2. The travelled distance and milage are added by arrival. ★ This app can be used for hiking, for travels and for time tracking. ★ You can always have your smartphone with you and in a backround process all starts and stops are recorded. ★ The free version is not a trial version, it can be used as a full logbook! 1.
3. It is added by GPS online query the location (city, street, house number).
4. The reason for the trip can be added manually as note or automatically as favorite.
5. The activities are only stored locally on the phone, it has only the smartphone owner access the data.
6. Departure, break and favorite places are automatically detected and recorded, even offline.
7. Low battery consumption because GPS just turns on every minute, records your location, and turns off again.
8. You must add the reason for the trip as a note. 2.
9. Rides can be subsequently marked as business, private or other.
10. You need to select the drives accordingly as a Business or Private. 3.
11. Copyright (c) 2013, Franz Brunnlechner. All rights reserved.
1. Cannot figure out how to import the old data - very cryptic interface.
2. Back to happy with app but have yet to check out the Pro features.I used to love this app but it is becoming unreliable.
3. an import function this is disabled in the free version.
4. data backups contain the missing information or not.
5. opening the app I have no previous journeys listed at all.
6. just upgraded to pro and my previous log is now gone.
7. All good - info just magically updated.
8. uninstall this as it has become too unreliable.
9. GPS permission keeps turning off .