1. Thanks!!!!I have no words to describe how I fell reading the book application,is wonderful and special i like the book.thanks.well it must be full version and its missing chaptersThis version of bible is very good.Riquissima...yes, not sure.
2. Because just start a usa-La and love this BIBLE...So far it's perfect!!!This Bible is so good , it takes us the real name of GOD YHWH , and YHWXA mashiach his son .It's a good BibleGostei da bíblia por ser fácil de entendimento e por manter alguns nomes.
3. Please allow this functionThis Bible is very good! I recommend for those who enjoy to study the Blibe.
4. I liked too much, but I'd want to copy text to send or something else.
5. Now I've to make screenshot and cut the part that has the text.
6. Is too work.