1. With the help of the Inventioneers, our tiny helpers with unique characteristics, you can invent fun, creative and often quite weird inventions.
2. Inventioneers is an outstanding tool for learning about realtime physics and the science behind different features like air, fire, magnetism and jumping bunnies.
3. Invite friends to share their crazy inventions and you can share yours too!
4. In this game you can create your own crazy, fun inventions!
5. A lot of inventions are included in the game, the more you solve the more parts you receive for your own inventions!
6. What you can do with the tool is virtually endless.
7. If you are a teacher you can set up the whole classroom as a user and share with other classes! • Create!
1. physics are not always 100% consistent and saving, loading and friends is broken on my redmi note 9(Android 12, MIUI 13)I love the game, but one thing I would add a feature to turn off the "too many objects" warning in the settings.Perfect game when I played this when I was 5 years old I recommend you guys installing it :-)Very cute and inventive, great Incredible Machine style gameGreat game.
2. Would be better with water.It is a good game I love it i reckomand this game to all of you☺☺Fun I made the snowman with a skull on and made the yeti and pink giant dude each eat 2 time bombs and also the pink dude ate the inventioneersMy 5yo says "It's very good"i LOVE it.
3. Great app.
4. sadly broken asf.