1. well I searched some old words of filipino but its to old that the app doest have any match well I am a filipino but I dont talk filipino language I talk BISAYA and I need to know what the meaning of those words cause our module is annoying Okay I hope you add more words like old words....... Thank You... AND GOD BLESS.... I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND.....Maybe it's okay to I used this kind of apps... 👍 even sometimes I did'nt got it all the meanings of the words I find it and searching.Its nice to use this english-filipino dictionary.It has many words to search,know,and to learn.Yes,I liked this app,easy to used,but only problem some word are missing.Love it! Its lite and very useful.
2. when i add a word meaning it said"add a comma (,) to separate it but its notThis app is great but I am a filipino.
3. It has option to copy and paste the meaning of the word which is convenient.
4. This kind of this app is helpful for me.it helps but it sucks.