1. My kids love this app, but they take my phone all the time, I would love to transfer my purchase to our old iPad and free my cell😂Is there a possibility to make this app available on Fire Kindle for kids? I would love to have it on my child's Kindle as well.
2. you guys encourage kids to go online?? there is no download button.
3. Highly recommend.Fantastic app! Thanks, Shazak!Why would kids have internet .
4. but in microsd 128GB.I use this in the classroom to supplement our weekly parsha class.
5. sitting and waitting for each parshah is not how i want to spend my time.
6. make a download all button for whatever users purchased.
7. ThanksHoly, Unique, Amazing, WOWThis app is fantastic.
8. im not going to go in to each parsha and wait.
9. can't move the app to other storage only internal and it full.
10. So many medrashim included in a kid friendly manner.
11. Really teaches the parsha well.