1. I can read about Nuclear reactors!Well documented and informative.Very informative! Are there ever any updates to the information on this site?The didn't say where we even would be or how life can possibly in a system those programed to interact the way they do sometimes not having valued thinking take place.Comp'n of Liq.Fuel MSR vs today's at: YT "Pedersen TEDxCopenhagen" (MSR spec's are in IAEA's Free PDF: "SMR-book_2018" See MSR section NOTE: NuScale still use Fuel-Rods!)thanks youSummary of all types of nuclear reactorGood Effort to compile information.
2. It's just a nice list of power plants, but there's no map to see if there's a nuclear plant around me.It's a handy reference for a hard to research topic.I love this app.