1. Is this company working for us or the dealer or whoever.I'd give it zero stars if possible, just had the search filter keep popping up, and then wouldn't load, needs to be fixed, I had this app a total of 3 minutes and decided to get rid of it because it is that terribleNo matter what kind of car I click on, there's some reason why it can't be displayed.
2. I may load and try again later when/if yhe app gets fixed.After downloading the app, searching for your location and seeing the vehicles you are interested in maybe purchasing, then you click on it to only find out that the web page cannot be found.
3. All the app did was flash the results for a second and then it proceeded to repeatedly flash the loading screen over and over.all dealer sales, " view offer" means you look at lots of cars u dont wanna see.
4. It just keeps flickering between "loading" screen and a quick view of first two vehicles for more than 30 days.
5. has trouble with filter actually finding results and 1 out of every 10 views of vehicles app CRASHES: blank screen start app again.
6. Whether it be your server is under repair, or first I need to go look at that dealerships special thing, or whatever other excuses y'all can come up with.
7. It might be purchased through your site if your site worked.It's okay but they show you double of every other car.
8. It just keeps switching from listings to a screen with the apps logo.
9. The other app gives you more information and will have 20 pics with some with mord and some last.
10. My very first search only caused 2 screens to alternate extremely fast.
11. NICE otherwiseMaybe doing it wrong but all pics of cars just shows one pic of each car.