1. I wish I have the option to key in the amount per meal per ingredient (x Tbs), can copy and paste meal (since most of us give the same thing to baby for 3 consecutive days to test allergy reactions), and able to change the meal name (to time for example) instead of using the 5 standard names ie breakfast, am snack, lunch, etc.Good but could be better.
2. Design made it too easy to mistakenly delete a "my food" item when planning a meal, which annoyingly makes all meals containing the item dissapear- without option to undo or confirmation.
3. I am mainly looking for something that divides the meals into food groups, so I could easily tell at a glance what I need to include more into her next meal or what I need to pull back on.
4. There's a graph for the food groups but only shows a week at a time? Useless information for a week's worth.
5. However I wish that we could modify the name of the food provided, that there was a clear record of when a specific food was introduced (rather than going back through the meals week by week).
6. I decided to go with another app that did that and also broke down the food groups into percentages.Downloaded this after my baby had a reaction to peas and I needed something to keep track of what she could be allergic to.
7. Food groups are misrepresented, meats should be counted as fat and protein as well as some other dual foods.
8. Also next time I hope I can leave comments like if baby liked or didn't like the food.. or what spices she likes with them etc.
9. I wish there's an insight of consumed nutrients (vitamin C, iron etc) instead of food groups.
10. Also various oils, nuts, herbs and spices have no category so it might be useful to either create one for them or give users the possiblity to create their own categories.On the whole I find it very helpful and easy to use.
11. I could go on but for character limit.The app is useful for keeping track of the food tried and what is being offered each day.