1. the spoon 🍨 is broken in this game.🍯 Because🍹 when I mix 🍾the coffee I🧁 see🍧 the 🍷spoon is broken.🍦This game is very vary amazingIt's very very good game I love itI love the game it's so goodThis is similar to the glitter coffee gameSo cool game l love itThis game not interestedit a cool gameVery good game😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😘😘Its fun and it is not supposed to tell u what to do you just make the coffee.
2. 🥤I request 🍵you to🥮 make🥛 a new🍸 spoon .It's a🥃 nice game☕ but I want🍺 in this 🍻game a🥂 good spoon 🍼.