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There are 2 methods to get your data (and account) deleted by WorkWhile:
Now you understand what the Law says, Send your Request directly to WorkWhile using the form below:
Alternatively, you can follow these steps below to get WorkWhile to delete your account/data:
1. WorkWhile relies on your location in the background to make sure you're on the job site and help you get paid quickly.
2. WorkWhile matches you to jobs that fit your skills, schedule, and location.
3. You’ll get access to full-time and on-demand jobs.
4. Get paid the next day after every shift you work.
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When I goto Edit Worker Profile it keeps giving me this Error submitting form: Request failed with status code 400. So when I try to schedule a job, it says Requires a car and Update Profile but it won't let me. What can I do?
Account banned because I didn’t clock in on time
My account got banned because I didn’t clock in on time