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1. Now BabyBus offers a wide variety of products, videos and other educational content for over 400 million fans from ages 0-8 around the world!
2. At BabyBus, we dedicate ourselves to sparking kids' creativity, imagination and curiosity,and designing our products through the kids' perspective to help them explore the world on their own.
3. We are giving your children the opportunity to learn and play with a cute little baby panda.
4. Let babies know that their actions are normal and all the other babies do them, too!
5. It is time for babies to play and see! Join the fun for free!
6. Babies are always picking up new habits.
7. Let your babies meet their digital peers.
8. Maybe they will pick up some of the positive habits along the way!
9. They can be more open about the things they do and the thing they would like to do.
10. We have released over 200 children's educational apps, over 2500 episodes of nursery rhymes and animations of various themes spanning the Health, Language, Society, Science, Art and other fields.