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There are 2 methods to get your data (and account) deleted by Filo: Homework & Exam Help:
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1. Get online Maths tutoring, SAT preparation help, PSAT preparation help, school exam help, homework help, assignment help and understand tough subjects like - physics, chemistry, biology, maths and many more! Live 1-to-1 solutions for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, among other topics and exam preparation help for GED test, SAT, PSAT, NMSQT, HiSET, ACT, AP, and IELTS among others.
2. More than 2.2 million students across 15+ countries are using Filo for assignment help, homework help, exam help, understanding concepts, solving problems and doing revisions.
3. Filo can also help you get more advanced exam preparation help for SAT, ACT, AP, and GED tests and various other important exams 24X7.
4. Filo works 24*7 and the tutors are always available to explain, help, solve, in short, do whatever it takes to assist the student in that very moment.
5. Filo is the world’s only live instant tutoring app where students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1, interactive video sessions.
6. Learn concepts and solutions for physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and English language Arts from grades 6th-12th.
7. ✓ Filo has developed an ecosystem of tutors and students which is powered by technology, enabling them to have real conversations that are personalized.
8. Subjects include Maths, Science, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology & more.
9. Practice mock tests & question papers for SAT, school and other examinations.
10. ✓ Students have to take a picture of any question, doubt or textbook paragraphs, or they can also type their questions.
11. If you are studying in grades 8th-12th Filo is the best self-study app.
Liked Filo? you may also like other Education apps like Brainly – Homework Math Solver; Power Planner: Homework/Grades; Bartleby: Q&A Homework-Helper; Chemik - Chemistry Homework Helper; Chegg Study App: Homework Help;
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