Published by ShaSha Ltd

Table of Contents:

  1. Delete via Email
  2. Delete on iphone
  3. Delete on android

Reading time: 47 seconds

Data 世界上下五千年 collects from your device

  1. view network connections
  2. full network access
  3. prevent device from sleeping

1. Delete 世界上下五千年 Account through Email

There are 2 methods to get your data (and account) deleted by 世界上下五千年:

  1. Under GDPR: EU/UK Residents have the right to ask (via email), an organization that holds data about them to delete it. This is known as the ‘right to erasure’. Organizations have one month to respond to the request.

  2. Under CCPA: California residents have the right to request that a company delete the data/personal information it has on them. A failure to comply with this will result in a fine of upto $7,500.

delete 世界上下五千年 account remove 世界上下五千年 account

Now you understand what the Law says, Send your Request directly to 世界上下五千年 using the form below:

Email Support directly

Chat with our AppContacter AI Support

Alternatively, you can follow these steps below to get 世界上下五千年 to delete your account/data:

  1. To delete your 世界上下五千年 account, contact 世界上下五千年 via email and provide the reasons for your request.
  2. Mention the law under which you make your request (GDPR or CCPA).
  3. Notify 世界上下五千年 of the penalty for non-compliance - A $7,500 fine under CCPA and 4% of annual turnover under GDPR.
  4. Send the email to angel133331@redacted... Login to see email.

2. How to Delete 世界上下五千年 on Iphone

  1. On iphone, Goto "Settings "
  2. Click on "General" » "Iphone Storage".
  3. Select the app, and click "Delete 世界上下五千年".

3. Delete 世界上下五千年 on Android phone

  1. Go to your Android phone Settings.
  2. Click on "Apps & Games".
  3. Select "世界上下五千年" and Click "Uninstall".

世界上下五千年 App Details

how to delete 世界上下五千年 delete 世界上下五千年 guide

世界上下五千年,這是一部知識性與趣味性並重的通俗歷史讀物。它以世界範圍內的人類歷史為主幹,通過一個個妙趣橫生的小故事,生動、簡潔地描繪了五千年來的古國文明、社會變遷、戰爭風雲、名人軼事與地理發現。 本書以世界範圍內人類文明的發展歷史為線索,全書涉及到五千年來各古國的興盛與衰亡、輝煌與悲愴的社會變遷、政治經濟、歷史風雲人物、科學與技術進步等多個方面。用妙趣橫生的小故事和精美的圖片,讓各位讀者徜徉與世界歷史的長廊,瞭解世界、豐富知識、開闊心胸、拓展視野、提高人文修養。 應用特色: 1、 日間/夜間模式隨意切換; 2、 歷史故事標題以清單顯示,快速定位; 3、 “上一篇”、“下一篇”按鈕快速導航; 4、 字體大小設置; 5、 一鍵分享到微信、Line、Kakao等社交網路。

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