Learn how to cancel SelfieCity subscription on iPhone, Android, Paypal or directly.

Table of Contents:

  1. Cancel on iphone
  2. Cancel on android
  3. Cancel on Paypal
  4. Cancel via Email
  5. Cancel on Website

Reading time: 41 seconds

Cancel SelfieCity Subscription on iPhone & iPad

  1. On your phone, open "Settings" and tap your Apple ID profile.
  2. Click "Subscriptions" and select "SelfieCity".
  3. Click "Cancel Subscription" and confirm the cancellation.

Alternative method via AppStore:

  1. Goto the Appstore » your Profile » Subscriptions.
  2. select "SelfieCity" and click "Cancel Subscription".

cancel SelfieCity subscription 1 cancel SelfieCity subscription 2

Cancel SelfieCity Subscription on Android

  1. Launch the PlayStore app and click the hamburger menu icon.
  2. Select "Subscriptions" » tap "SelfieCity" » click "Cancel Subscription".
  3. Your subscription to SelfieCity will now be canceled.

Cancel SelfieCity Subscription on PayPal

  1. Sign in to your PayPal Account and click "Settings ".
  2. Select "Payments" and click "Manage Automatic Payments".
  3. Under Automatic Payments tab, click "SelfieCity" or "Meitu (China) Limited" » "Cancel".
  4. You are now unsubscribed from SelfieCity

Cancel SelfieCity via Email

  1. Open your email app
  2. Provide all the relevant information regarding your account.
  3. Provide a reason for the cancelation.
  4. Send the email to app@redacted... Login to see email.

Alternatively, you can directly ask SelfieCity customer service to cancel your subscription using the form below:

Email Support directly

Chat with our AppContacter AI Support

About SelfieCity App

cancel SelfieCity howto cancel SelfieCity guide

1. New] Film Reel Camera: Choose from multiple vintage-style film reels and experience the excitement of developing pictures!

2. New] Polaroid Camera: Hyper-realistic polaroid experience—the photo will appear gradually like real polaroids!

3. With this function in your phone, you’ll no longer need to lug around real polaroid cameras!

4. Our designers spent countless nights screaming in front of their screens, and our engineers worked so hard they were foaming at the mouth.

5. Show off your funky and charming side through your unique pictures. - The Reshape function is not yet compatible with certain phone models.  Our programmers are working hard on it.  Stay tuned!

6. New] Fisheye Camera: See the world from another angle!

7. But it’s all worth it, because you’ll definitely love our red-hot new features!

8. We’ve added THREE new camera functions, all of excellent quality.

9. SelfieCity’s newest update just might be our coolest update ever!

10. Snap stylish photos to your heart’s content!

11. Contact Us] If you have any questions regarding the new version, you can add us on WeChat (account name: meituxiaozhushou) and chat with us in real time!

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