Published by IstanStudio on Oct 26, 2024

Table of Contents:

  1. Delete via Email
  2. Delete on iphone
  3. Delete on android

Reading time: 47 seconds

Data Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i collects from your device

  1. approximate location (network-based)
  2. precise location (GPS and network-based)
  3. read the contents of your USB storage
  4. modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
  5. read the contents of your USB storage
  6. modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
  7. take pictures and videos
  8. view network connections
  9. pair with Bluetooth devices
  10. full network access
  11. run at startup
  12. set wallpaper
  13. control vibration
  14. prevent device from sleeping
  15. receive data from Internet

1. Delete Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i Account through Email

There are 2 methods to get your data (and account) deleted by Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i:

  1. Under GDPR: EU/UK Residents have the right to ask (via email), an organization that holds data about them to delete it. This is known as the ‘right to erasure’. Organizations have one month to respond to the request.

  2. Under CCPA: California residents have the right to request that a company delete the data/personal information it has on them. A failure to comply with this will result in a fine of upto $7,500.

delete Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i account remove Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i account

Now you understand what the Law says, Send your Request directly to Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i using the form below:

Email Support directly

Chat with our AppContacter AI Support

Alternatively, you can follow these steps below to get Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i to delete your account/data:

  1. To delete your Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i account, contact Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i via email and provide the reasons for your request.
  2. Mention the law under which you make your request (GDPR or CCPA).
  3. Notify Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i of the penalty for non-compliance - A $7,500 fine under CCPA and 4% of annual turnover under GDPR.
  4. Send the email to suportIstanStudio@redacted... Login to see email.

2. How to Delete Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i on Iphone

  1. On iphone, Goto "Settings "
  2. Click on "General" » "Iphone Storage".
  3. Select the app, and click "Delete Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i".

3. Delete Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i on Android phone

  1. Go to your Android phone Settings.
  2. Click on "Apps & Games".
  3. Select "Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i" and Click "Uninstall".

Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i App Details

how to delete Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i delete Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i guide

Aplikasi Fiqih Imam Syafii Merupakan pembahasan mengenai salah satu ilmu penting yaitu fiqih, ilmu fiqih menerangkan berbagai macam aspek yang berkaitan dengan tatacara beribadah serta larangan-larangan yang wajib untuk ditaati sebagai umat Islam, diantaranya : - Pokok poko dasar islam - Hukum hukum islam - Thoharoh (Bersuci) - Najis dan cara menscikannya - Istinnja - Wudhu - Mandi - Tayamum - Haid dan nifas - Sholat - rukun rukunnya sholat - Sunnah sunnah sholat - Batal dan makruh sholat - Nawafil (sholat sholat sunnah) - Sholat berjamaah - Menganai makmum - Sholat musafir - Sholat jumat - Sholat dua hari raya - Sholat jenazah - Zakat fitrah - Puasa (soum) - Berhaji dan umroh - Syaratnya tawaf dan sa'i - Prihal zakat New Updet V.4.1.3 V.4.1.3 + Kitab Jalalain Kitab Tafsir jalalin + Kitab Shahih muslim Kitab hadits shahih muslim + Kitab Hasits Qudsi Kitab 40 hadits Qusi + Kitab Laa Tahzan Kitab Terjemah LaaTahzan + Bid'ah & Khurafah Pembahasaanya + Bidayatul hidayah Berisi terjemah + Aqidatul Awam Isi disertai terjemah + Kitab Sirur Asrar Isi disertai terjemah + Risalatul mua'awanah Isi Kitab disertai terjemah + Kitab Asmaul Husna Fadilah dzikir Asmaul Husna V.3.1.2 + Mabadi Fiqih Juz 3 Terjemah Mabadi Fiqih Juz 3 + Kitab Bulughul maram Kitab Hadit bahsul fiqih + Kitab Risalatul mahid + Kitab Sahih bukhori Kitab Terjemah sahih bukhori + Kitab musafir pembahasan Kitab sholat dalam perjalanan + Kitab musafir Praktek Kitab sholat dalam perjalanan + Kitab Fathul Qorib Kitab Terjemah fathul qorib (Taqrib) + Kitab Safinatun An Najah Kitab Terjemah Safinatun An Najah + Mabadi awaliyah Terjemah mabadi awaliyah + 40 kaidah fiqih 40 kaidah ushul fiqih + Riyadhus Sholihin Terjemah jilid 1,2 & 3 + Nashoihul Ibad Terjemah kitab Nashoihul Ibad + Kitab Akhlak Talim muta alim, Alaala, Washoya + Kitab Mawaris Pembagian waris islam + Kitab Zakat Kitab pembagian Zakat + Kitab Uqudul lujain Rumah tangga islami Dan semoga aplikasi Fiqih imam syafii ini dapat meberikan manfaat, mohon mass jika ada kesalahan dalam penyajian aplikasi, mohon kirimkan keluh kesah, maupun kritik dan saran saudara di emai kami :

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