1. Discover, stream and organize your favorite music right now! 🎵Unlimited streaming and music - Play Hip-Hop, Electronic, Latin, Reggae, Pop, Afropop and any other styles as you want. 🎵Listen to Free Online Music, automatically personalized according to your preference. 🎵Enjoy millions of free up-to-date songs from Music. 🎵Music will be displayed and able to be controlled on the screen. 🎵Change the playback mode, single loop/random play/loop play and so on can be changed at will.
2. Free music is a music player, built for freely streaming and enjoying millions of music videos and songs.
3. Free Music Discover section shows you the new trending music with different categories daily.
4. Free Music is a legal and compliant 3rd-party API client that lets you play music & videos.
1. The one thing i do not like is the button on the right bottom side (the button that looks like a phone with a lightning shape on it) if i tap on it accidently it will almost get stuck on the screen it pulls up.It works nicely for the most part there are little to no adds without having to pay for any add free subscriptions, however I have been using this app for about 3 years and was able to download music up until a year and a half ago after replacing a broken phone with a new one and getting this same app could not download music nor get back the old download playlist I had and I could not find a way to download it.
2. However I am having a problem with downloading music today, whenever I try to download a song it would say, "sorry tap and try again " and no matter how many times I try and tap and refresh, it doesn't work, also i tried restarting my phone and checking for updates, but the problem remains.
3. ~ Pause, play, pause, play, pause, play.) Starting to get on my f**king nerves, because this WAS my favorite music app, and I don't want to have to delete this app, but it's becoming tempting because of this bug.The greatest music app I ever tried! Has everything I need and the ads aren't overwhelming There are however few stuff I'd like to have added or modified in this app.
4. That means for someone who uses it for audio MP3s other than music, it can get into the hundreds of different files and it was just so cumbersome trying to recreate it just cuz I cracked my screen and the new phone.
5. And now with the 2023 update I still haven't found a way to download songs offline.This used to be my favorite app for music, I have close to 1000 songs and 10 different playlists on this app.
6. You dont have to download music you can just search a song or the singer and it will bring it up.
7. Never had a problem with it until recently, where in the middle of a song, it'll stop playing and start playing again like the pause button is being pressed multiple times (ex.
8. Either way if it doesn't start working again I will lose several hundred songs and will not be re-downloading this app.This is an amazing app I definitely recommend people use this ever song i dream of listening of is here.
9. if u can please fix it.This is the best music app I've ever used! Little to no ads, wayyy better than spotify, and you get access to all youtube videos which means I can get music from every media! There is one problem.
10. I would highly recommend.This WAS the greatest music and video app out there.
11. I have a lot of music saved and now it won't open anything past the first 3 lists.