1. (2) On the "view sessions by day" menu, please allow users to sort by session type so that the symposia and minisymposia don't show up after the poster list.
2. If I'm already looking at a list of poster titles, it really seems like a waste of time going through two more screens just to view the abstract for one of them.
3. Ideally, the info for an abstract should all be contained within the same screen (available by a "drop-down" menu) or if that is too resource-intensive, at least a "long-press" context menu option to view the abstract.
4. Just a few more improvements would really make it ideal, though: (1) Please display the abstract for a given poster when the user clicks on it from a session.
5. If the app allowed us to pull out registration information, that would've been great.Are you going to the Society for Neuroscience conference? This allows you to make and synch your schedule/itinerary with the SfN website.
6. This is a relatively minor issue, but it is easy to accidentally miss the symposia while planning an itinerary especially if one is running late and trying to quickly plan their day.Overall, it is a nice application.
7. One feature that I can think about is an interactive map that can navigate me to the location of a lecture/any other program also showing where I am.The app is functionally nearly complete.
8. You can check the abstracts for every talk and poster for the meeting.
9. Greatly improved from previous years and now genuinely useful.