1. It's inconveniencing eating data and getting no value.Thanks a bit! I think something is wrong somewhere! My favourites news at 3pm and 10pm don't show at the exact times! Always ONE HOUR late! My device time and date are very correct! WHY? How can I correct this error?The app is not opening.
2. This app is an independent , reliable source of information nationally and internationally 24/7 but one unfortunate thing the developers should try to work upon is the video works for few seconds and stopped indefinitely.
3. More recent videos on Business Morning and entertainment news would be more appreciated though.The app keeps buffering you don't get seamless proceedings.
4. hours, minutes and seconds of the news that posted.The app is horrible.
5. Cannot even watch 10 seconds without break and hitches on live streaming.
6. Sometimes the hitches stay up to 3 minutes before reconnecting only to go bad in few seconds.
7. But on a second note, just as already snap photos can be sent such should be done for videos as wellI'm disappointed to say the least.
8. But nevertheless, l recommend this app to anyone who would like to read trending news and stories globally while offline.Too bad.
9. Please do something about your app service, it's simply crappy!!!Very good app, but it's more better if you select time on each headline.
10. Really frustrating when I tried to watch the recent interview of SA analyst.
11. I must say The Arise App is far better than this, let the developers borrow a leaf from there and improve this.