1. My only issue is that I wanted to take advantage of the option to block spam users or fake accounts, but I can't figure out how to do it, so I wish that was more user friendly.Great interface, initial load is easy and quick, and seems very accurate! Terrific.
2. An unfollow whitelist would be welcome too.This app is already perfect for what it is, however there are few things that I guess need improvement: - Recent followers/unfollowers should be on analytics tab, and to follow/unfollow we shouldn't need to open Instagram app like it is now.
3. Question: as the app analyses the likes people give you, isn't it possible to add a list of likers / non-likers similar to the fans / mutual / followers already in place? This is something very lacking in the "Instagram unfollow" apps on google play, and it would certainly make a difference.
4. Says there is error with Instagram Edit: It won't get past authentication it's not my instagrams problem because I'm using another app too but I'll give you 2 stars I didnt pass any limits it didnt let me loginI've only started using it now, so 3 stars for a neutral experience which I'll change later on.
5. - There should be an option to omit post analytics, this to improve refresh duration if we don't need any information regarding our Instagram posts.
6. Now Instagram seems to have blocked me somehow as when I go to log in it just says "oops, an error has occurred" and even after changing password it still shows up.
7. But for us that have 10k or more followers, we need to be able to block accounts quick.
8. Please fix this! and also maybe add a mass block button? and a whitelist option.
9. Then this app would be perfect!Despite the update instagram still detects the app and logs me out saying my account was compromised .
10. It's a nice clean layout and would be great if it worked and wasn't so intrusive.The app is really well made but without a whitelist it's of no use to me.
11. But had difficulty logging in with Instagram sending me multiple emails about suspicious log ins and for me to approve the log in.