Learn how to cancel Zenvus Boundary subscription on iPhone, Android, Paypal or directly.

Table of Contents:

  1. Cancel on iphone
  2. Cancel on android
  3. Cancel on Paypal
  4. Cancel via Email
  5. Cancel on Website

Reading time: 41 seconds

Cancel Zenvus Boundary Subscription on iPhone & iPad

  1. On your phone, open "Settings" and tap your Apple ID profile.
  2. Click "Subscriptions" and select "Zenvus Boundary".
  3. Click "Cancel Subscription" and confirm the cancellation.

Alternative method via AppStore:

  1. Goto the Appstore » your Profile » Subscriptions.
  2. select "Zenvus Boundary" and click "Cancel Subscription".

cancel Zenvus Boundary subscription 1 cancel Zenvus Boundary subscription 2

Cancel Zenvus Boundary Subscription on Android

  1. Launch the PlayStore app and click the hamburger menu icon.
  2. Select "Subscriptions" » tap "Zenvus Boundary" » click "Cancel Subscription".
  3. Your subscription to Zenvus Boundary will now be canceled.

Cancel Zenvus Boundary Subscription on PayPal

  1. Sign in to your PayPal Account and click "Settings ".
  2. Select "Payments" and click "Manage Automatic Payments".
  3. Under Automatic Payments tab, click "Zenvus Boundary" or "Fasmicro" » "Cancel".
  4. You are now unsubscribed from Zenvus Boundary

Cancel Zenvus Boundary via Email

  1. Open your email app
  2. Provide all the relevant information regarding your account.
  3. Provide a reason for the cancelation.
  4. Send the email to support@redacted... Login to see email.

Alternatively, you can directly ask Zenvus Boundary customer service to cancel your subscription using the form below:

Email Support directly

Chat with our AppContacter AI Support

Cancel Subscription Directly on Zenvus Boundary's Website

  1. Visit their website - https://www.zenvus.com/products/boundary/ and login to your account.
  2. Goto your profile or account page and click "Billings" or "Subscriptions".
  3. Click "Cancel" to remove your subscription.

About Zenvus Boundary App

cancel Zenvus Boundary howto cancel Zenvus Boundary guide

1. When transfer is done, it will say “…successful”. (Our algorithm will construct the survey with the data, superimposing on Google Map to deliver a survey which puts your property in visual relationship with other properties around. ) Copy this link to your web browser ; your log Id and password are both the NIN you used for this property in the mobile app.

2. It supports cooperatives, governments and individual property owners, enabling these entities to have survey reports at a fraction of the typical cost of surveys.

3. A property owner upon using Zenvus Boundary can download a PDF of the property boundary report in Zenvus account.

4. Zenvus Boundary maps farm, land or house perimeter boundaries, calculates the areas and populates the data onto Google Earth.

5. Property owners (farmers, landlords, home owners, etc) can do this survey without any external help.

6. They use the survey reports to formalize farmlands and properties, enabling financial inclusion like agro-lending, securities, etc using properties like farmlands as collaterals.

7. Click BEGIN PROPERTY to enter scan mode, put the property info, and click CAPTURE as you walk around the property perimeter.

8. If you are an individual property owner, put 0000 on the field code (agents/partners/enterprises, capturing many farmers at once, use the code we sent you).

9. The Zenvus Boundary also enables cooperatives or unions to have their logos and names emboldened in the reports for each member-farm.

10. If you download Zenvus Boundary app on Google Play, follow the screen instruction (register, login, etc.

11. When you are back to the original position, click EXIT PROPERTY.

12. Once that is done, click the SERVER TRANSFER mode when you have internet on the mobile device.

13. And when completed, register the outcomes with their cooperatives which help them ratify the boundaries with governments.

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