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1. We have confirmed that the following phenomena occur on Android 10 or later. - Unable to select objects with a tap or the Lasso tool. - Unable to re-edited the Text Unit and a new Text Unit is inserted. *The above phenomena do not occur in environments up to Android 9, and operation is not guaranteed for Android 10 or later use.
2. MetaMoJi Note is a cross platform note taker, sketchbook and whiteboard app for all Android enabled devices.
3. MetaMoJi Note is a highly visual virtual whiteboard for sketching, annotation, scrapbooking or digital mashup.
4. Use the app as a high resolution sketchbook with a vast color wheel palette, pastel colors and advanced calligraphy pens.
5. MetaMoJi Note is the only note-taking app available across all major mobile platforms.
6. Take notes or To Do lists, or import files in PDF format.
7. Capture, share, and access your inspiration anywhere, anytime!